Visitor information

Opening houres & prices and all the information you need to make your garden visit a success. Enjoy your visit!


Opening houres & prices

Outside areas of the garden are open all year round with free admission.

The Edvard Anderson Conservatory is open all year round.

The Victoria House is open between May 1 and September 30.

Tuesday–Friday 11–16
Saturday and Sunday 11–17

Mondays closed (except during school holidays). Monday 24 February 2025, 11–16, Monday 14 April 2025 11–16, Monday 21 April 2025 11–17, Monday 27 October 2025 11–16, Monday 29 December 2025 11–16.

It is closed on Midsummer Eve, Midsummer Day and the Sunday that follows, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, 26 December, New Year Eve and New Year Day

1 May 11–17

Entrance fee

Adults: 100 SEK
Children 0–15 years: free admission
No cash payment. Cards only.

Opening times between May 1 and September 30

Tuesday–Friday 11–16
Saturday and Sunday 11–17

1 May open 11–17

It is closed on Midsummer Eve, Midsummer Day and the Sunday that follows.

Entrance fee

Adults: 25 SEK
Children 0–17 years: free addmission for two children accompanied by an adult

No cash payment. Please pay to Danske Bank, Sweden:
IBAN: SE1612000000012810117756
Payment reference: 483/2651


Restaurant and shop

In the garden you can enjoy a good meal of food of just have a coffee at the Old Orangery Restaurant & Café. A museum shop is located at the entrance of the Edvard Anderson Conservatory.

The Old orangery Restaurant & Café is a lunch restaurant and café. Enjoy a tasty lunch, a sandwich or just some coffee with freshly baked pastries.

For opening hours and bookings please contact: or 08-612 09 59.

Welcome says Sandra and Nilla.

Welcome to our museum shop. Here you can find a lovelly selection of gifts inspired by botany for your home and garden. Gifts such as fragrant soaps, serviettes and books for adults and children.

Please observe that we don't sell plants.

Opening times: the same as the Edvard Andersons Conservatory.

No entrance fee to the Museum Shop.

Contact information: +46 8 16 37 01

You are welcome to bring your own food/picnic to the garden. This you can enjoy at dedicated rest areas indicated on the map. There is also a shelters for protection against bad weather. There is sensitive plant material in the garden and you are therfore required to use these dedicated areas for eating your own food/picnic.

Map of the Bergius Botanic Garden

Tables and chairs in the Edvard Anderson Conservatory Café are for the café guests.


Directions to the Bergius Botanic Garden

Visiting address and address for taxi and buss services and parking: Gustafsborgsvägen 4.

Find the Bergius Botanic Garden (Google Maps)

From Stockholm: Take Roslagsvägen northbound and exit at Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. Turn left in the roundabout (beneath Roslagsvägen).

From the north: From E4/Uppsalavägen take exit 169 at Järva krog towards Norrtälje. Turn right onto E18/Norrtäljevägen southbound towards Stockholm. After Bergshamra turn right towards Bergianska trädgården.


  • By the main (north) entrence right next to the garden. Fee is required.
  • Next to the garden beneath Roslagsvägen, by the roundabout. Fee is required.
  • At Bergiusvägen, on dedicated parking spots. Fee is required.

The address for taxi- and buss services is Gustafsborgsvägen 4, about 60 meters from the entrence to Edvard Anderson Conservatory. Please follow the directions.

Please note that all driving inside the garden is only allowed for delivery services and for people who live inside the garden gates.

Train: Take Roslagsbanan to station Universitetet (about 5 min journey from Östra station). Follow footpath directions towards Bergianska trädgården or change to bus from Univeristet Norra, see below.

Underground: Take the underground to station Universitetet. Follow footpath directions towards Bergianska trädgården.

Bus: Bus 50 stop at station Bergiusvägen and 540 stop at station Frescati. Follow footpath directions towards Bergianska trädgården.

Those who come by bicycle can park their bicycles at the main entrence parking or on the west side of Edvard Anderson Conservatory (see map).

Out of respect for other visitors and for sensitive plant material growing in the garden, it is prohibited to bike in the Bergius Botanic Garden. On the map you can see where you can park your bike and where cycling is allowed.

Map of the garden
Illustration: Veronica Lendel
Map of the Bergius Botanic Garden. Drawing: Veronica Lendel
Map of the Bergius Botanic Garden. Drawing: Veronica Lendel

Download map and information folder

Map and information folder (4456 Kb)



The Bergius Botanic Garden is a museum for living plants. We host collections of plants from the whole world. While visiting the garden, please respect our rules and regulations.

  • It is absolutely prohibited to pick flowers, fruits, or seed that are found in the garden and greenhouses.
  • Out of respect for other visitors and for sensitive plant material growing in the garden, it is prohibited to bike, fish, swim, play ball, or conduct any kind of similar activity.
  • Only use park benches and picnic areas pointed out on the map for eating food that you brought for the visit. Map of the Bergius Botanic Garden
  • You are welcome to take pictures but only for your private use. Information about photography and filming here.
  • Dogs should be kept on a leash at all times and they are not welcome inside the greenhouses.
  • Be aware that there are plants grown in the garden that are poisonous to eat or that may cause a skin irritation if touched.
  • Weddings in the Bergius Botanic Garden are not allowed.
  • Please, keep away from working machines.

For private purposes

Taking pictures for private use is allowed, both in the garden and in the greenhouses, provided that no damage is caused to the plants or to any other garden property. The use of tripods and reflectors is not allowed. The pictures may only be used for private purposes.

You are welcome to tell about Bergius Botanic Garden on your blog. We do not allow visitors to bring products to the garden or conservatories for the purpose of being photograped, for example to be used on a blog. We count that as a commercial photo session and do not allow that. The Bergius Botanic Garden is an environment for studying plants.

Unfortunately we can not give permissions for wedding photographing.

For commercial purposes

The primary objective of the Bergius Botanic Garden is to support teaching and research about plant diversity. We are unable to accept teams for photography that is not in line with our mission.

This concerns both the outdoor garden and the greenhouses.

School work

Students who wish to take pictures for their school work are welcome to do so without any charge, provided that no damage is caused to the plants or to any other garden property. Contact should be taken with the garden in advance.

The pictures are only allowed to be used as part of the school work. If the student and/or school wishes to use the pictures in any other way an agreement has to be negotiated with the garden. There will always be a fee if the pictures are to be used for commercial purposes.



Frequently asked questions about the Bergius Botanic Garden.




Information, press and photography
The café, museum shop and entrance at the Edvard Anderson Conservatory
Restaurant and café
On this page


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