New grade-separated crossing at Frescati

SL is building a new grade-separated crossing approximately 75 metres south of the existing crossing. At Frescati in Stockholm, they are closing the existing level crossing to build a new grade-separated crossing slightly south of it. Trains will pass over a bridge while motor vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle traffic will pass under the track. Grade-separated crossings enhance safety and will also prepare the track for the traffic of the future. The tunnel under the track will form the new entrance to the Bergius Botanic Garden.



Work began in January 2022. The existing level crossing will remain open until the new grade-separated solution is finished in spring/summer 2023, i.e. it will always be possible to cross during the construction period.

Railway crossing
Photo: Karin Martinsson

The crossing at Frescati has been one of the most accident- prone spots along Roslagsbanan. Every train on Roslagsbanan’s three branches passes through it, a total of about 400 trains a day in both directions. At most, 30 trains an hour pass through and this is expected to increase to 40 trains an hour, which means that the barriers are lowered very often during peak periods. In addition, the traffic in the vicinity of the Bergius Botanic Garden and the Plantagen store is busy, especially during the summer.

The current crossing is controlled using signals, barriers and, since autumn of 2014, obstacle detectors which ensure that the trains will stop automatically if a vehicle becomes trapped between the barriers. To further enhance safety, we are now building a grade-separated crossing that will enable motor vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists to pass safely and securely under the railway. Our goal is to enhance traffic safety without encroaching the Royal National City Park, where the natural and cultural value of the historic landscape must not be harmed.


Working in the Royal National City Park

All the work and solutions have been adapted to their sensitive location in the Royal National City Park. For example, the height of the new tunnel will be 3.5 metres instead of the usual 4.7 to minimise our footprint in the park. This may affect some tourist buses, but they can park on the other side and passengers can walk from there.

Footpaths and cycle paths will be slightly narrower than usual, as will roads, which will also minimise the impact on the park. Regular cars will be able to pass each other in the tunnel, but broader vehicles will have more difficulty. The tunnel itself will be relatively short (10-15 metres) and there will be good visibility at both ends so this will not cause any problems in terms of traffic safety.

Great emphasis has been placed on tunnel materials as well as on plant selection and lighting. The tunnel will form the new entrance to the park.

The decision to build the grade-separated crossing is based on years of research and investigation, and SL has tested a wide variety of solutions to find the very best ones.


Unusual construction method

SL is building the tunnel alongside the embankment. During the summer of 2022, Roslagsbanan will be closed to allow the existing track to be excavated and the finished tunnel to be moved into its correct position. After that, the tracks will be re-laid on top of the tunnel. This approach is to ensure that Roslagsbanan is closed for as short a time as possible.


More information

The project website (in Swedish)




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